Her Marriage Struggled Off-Screen, Too: Sarah Drew, Star of ‘Indivisible’ & Grey’s Anatomy
“I could see my own marriage playing out on the pages of the script”, says Grey’s Anatomy star, Sarah Drew.
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But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3819 entries already.
“I could see my own marriage playing out on the pages of the script”, says Grey’s Anatomy star, Sarah Drew.
Practical advice from Christians in counselling and psychology to help parents navigate the sexuality conversation well and with grace.
The growing suspicion that Christians are facing from the wider culture makes this conversation an increasingly urgent one.
Having some differences with a potential spouse is inevitable. But which ones are red flags?
Following the Ruddock Inquiry leaks, activists began a campaign against Christian schools about the treatment of same-sex attracted students and teachers.
Counselling is a chance to invite a wise mentor to walk with you through the dark places until you can find your way out into the light.
If we are ever unsure whether to decide to show mercy to someone, or to judge them, it’s best to always err on the side of mercy.
Parents have been complaining about this problem for at least 50 years! Try these questions to encourage curiosity and conversation.
Dr Denis Alexander is a neuroscientist who believes passionately in both the biblical doctrine of creation and the coherence of evolutionary theory.
How often do we become angry over the mistakes people make, or for parents, the texter scrawled along the wall?