Has Cyberbullying Affected You? Expert Advice for Teens and Parents
More than half of all Australia’s young people have experienced bullying using the web, smartphones or social media – and parents need to be more aware.
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But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3819 entries already.
More than half of all Australia’s young people have experienced bullying using the web, smartphones or social media – and parents need to be more aware.
Religious freedom is a hot issue in Australia today. Modern ‘religious freedom’ may well undermine Christian religious freedom.
I was holding out for something external to happen to me to give me permission to change. I didn’t even realise that this was an expectation that I had.
Let’s face it though; yelling feels terrible. Most parents also admit it rarely works. And research shows it’s bad for our kids.
Many people who I interviewed spoke about loneliness and the disconnect they were living. Hearing their stories was painful.
Meet Samatha, a young girl designed by God. She was drawn to something very special her best friend had, but she didn’t know what it was.
It seems like this little guy felt bad for messing up the morning routine, so he left this incredibly well-written note for his mum to find.
The two agents not only have to save the world from an alien known as ‘The Hive’, but also from a potential mole within the MIB organisation.
What is FOLO? The fear of leftovers or FOLO is gripping a quarter of Australians who say they are embarrassed to eat leftovers at work.
On a recent flight to India, the Flight Attendant heard about their journey and wanted to contribute with whatever gifts she could find on-board the plane for the Children.