Jesus Saves
“As the times get darker remember the light will shine even brighter”. As evil continues to grow don’t underestimate the power of the goodness of God.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3820 entries already.
“As the times get darker remember the light will shine even brighter”. As evil continues to grow don’t underestimate the power of the goodness of God.
New report finds Christians are being refused COVID-19 aid in countries across Asia, Middle East and Africa.
This year a national moment has emerged – a time to pray in unison by Tuning in Together to #ChangeTheHeart of Australia.
Aunty Isabel Reid was just seven years old when she was removed from her family. Now, she is dedicated to raising awareness of the Stolen Generation.
Dating Becomes Her aims to entertain and encourage other Christians, and make online dating less of a taboo conversation in church communities.
How did millions of cultured, otherwise decent Germans – and others – stoop to such wickedness? How did they perpetrate the holocaust?
You know God’s doing something special when you’re choosing the colour of the ashtrays for the church not the colour of the carpet.
‘Mao’s Last Dancer’ Li Cunxin’s Australian wife was also an accomplished international ballerina but had to give it up for their family.
A moist, dense loaf packed with the sweet-mild flavour of cinnamon, the caramel flavour of dates and a little crunch from walnuts.
An Australian Christian Comedian has starred in the Launch Video for a New Christian Dating App offering Australian Singles the chance to find love.