Australia’s Indian Community Experienced the Largest Growth in 2018
By: McCrindle
A recent data release from the ABS shows some interesting findings about Australia’s population and migration trends for the year ending 2018.
These key findings include:
- Net overseas migration: Net overseas migration (NOM) was 248,400 in 2018, 2.8% higher than in 2017 (6,700 more people)
- Births: 314,900 births in 2018, an increase of 10,600 compared to 2017.
- Total growth: 404,800 people in 2018, (growing in 2018 by nearly the size of Canberra – 420,960 people).
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England is still leading, but likely to be replaced by China and India by 2030
Almost three in ten (29%) Australians were born overseas and when we see the top five countries of birth, it shows fascinating trends towards Asian migration. Australians born in England is still the largest group, however by 2030 China and India are likely to rise above England.
In 2018, the fastest growing countries of birth other than Australia (out of the 40 top countries) include:
Article supplied with thanks to McCrindle.
About the Author: McCrindle are a team of researchers and communications specialists who discover insights, and tell the story of Australians – what we do, and who we are.