The Truth About Perfectionism
By: yesHeis
The very thing that makes writing this article difficult is exactly what we need to talk about… Perfectionism. It’s time to fight the desire to have our lives perfect before sharing Jesus. No one is perfect, so let’s not let it cripple us.
Romans 3:23–24 tells us that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard. Whether we like it or not, we all have areas in our lives which are works in progress; that’s the beauty of being human. There is beauty in our brokenness. There can be an unspoken expectation that we need to have everything together to come to God or to share Him with others, but it’s not true. That is the opposite of the Gospel. Any efforts to cover up our failings or correct them on our own will be futile.
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them.”—Matthew 5:17
The amazing thing is, Jesus came to take the weight of our imperfections so that we can focus on living out authentic, childlike faith which is focused on loving others.
Not a faith not caught up on how we are performing, because in truth we will never measure up to the perfection bar. Allowing yourself to be free from perfection opens you up to have authentic and vulnerable conversations with those you want to share Jesus with. So next time you feel the burden of perfectionism creeping in and crippling you from sharing your faith, just breathe, remember the freedom that Jesus gave you and get focus on what is important, seeing others experience the same freedom.
Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.
About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.