It Takes A Village… But The Village Is Sick
In recent weeks, to surprisingly little fanfare, the Morrison Federal Government has announced a new Children’s Mental Health Strategy.
In recent weeks, to surprisingly little fanfare, the Morrison Federal Government has announced a new Children’s Mental Health Strategy.
Recently there has been a groundswell of popular opinion extolling the value of letting our kids be bored. A recent New York Times article argued, ‘Boredom teaches us that life isn’t a parade of amusements. More important, it spawns creativity and self-sufficiency.’
Dear Dr Justin,
My 9-year-old son lashes out at his younger siblings when they bother him and often ends up hurting them. He feels terrible afterwards, but he can’t seem to get his anger or his reactions under control. What should I do?
By: Jenny Baxter
How many times have you thrown your hands up in frustration at the never-ending WHYs?
Recently a friend posted the following cry for help on Facebook. (You can see my answer further down)
You enter the kitchen. Your child looks at you like she’s hiding something. You see cake crumbs on the counter and the tips of her fingers.
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Dear Dr Justin
I have been reading a lot about how yelling isn’t good for my kids, but I can’t seem to get them to listen if I don’t raise my voice! Any suggestions on how I can stop yelling?
By: Robert Garrett
Take a bow Australia. According to a 2018 study of 21 OECD countries, Australian parents are world leaders when it comes to spending time with their children. The average Aussie parents spend 4 hours a day with their kids, far more than parents in other parts of the developed world.
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In a 2018 survey half of the parents questioned believed that smart phone usage negatively affected their child’s mental health. And nearly half thought their child was actually addicted to the device.
Dear Dr Justin,
My 15-year-old son was hanging out in his bedroom with one of his friends. When I walked by, I saw my son’s friend frantically trying to stash a packet of cigarettes into his bag! I was horrified, but since he isn’t my child, I wasn’t sure how or if I should intervene (I did talk to my son later). What should I have done?
By: Clare Bruce
When everything your family is going well, it can be easy in holidays and family celebrations, to forget that others are doing it tough.
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