Tag Archive for: Jesus

Tyler Ellis’s Social Experiment Shows the Gospel Isn’t as Well Known as You’d Think

By: Laura Bennett

Isolation makes you think. Holed up at home with only family and FaceTime to fill the social void, we’re left with a lot more time to consider life’s essentials, and the things that matter most. Read more

Dear Australia, RE: The Coronavirus

By: Akos Balogh

Dear Australia,

The Coronavirus has intruded into our lives. While only a few weeks ago we were breathing a sigh of relief at the deluge of water that ended the worst fire season in living memory, we’re now facing the worst health crisis in decades. Read more

Dunlop Volleys and Hairy Legs

By: Yvette Cherry

I met Jesus once. Well actually, just his shoes and his legs up to about the knee. But it was Him. He didn’t need me to see the whole of him for me to know.

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Why is the Resurrection of Jesus So Important?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

In this question, you’re going right to the heart of the Christian faith. So I’m going to summarise a million earth-shatteringly important points into just three simple reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is so important. Read more

Did Jesus Have a Sense of Humour?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

I was surprised the other day when my son said to me, “Dad, I can’t imagine you as a funny guy.” The thing is, I know I used to be a funny guy. I still think I am. I wonder what went wrong! Read more

What Exactly is Grace?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Grace is one of the things that Christians talk about the most. It’s at the very heart of what it means to be and live as a Christian. Read more

Tis’ the Season He’s the Reason

By: Sabrina Peters

I love the festive season! The lights, the decorations, the tree, the family gatherings and endless supply of Christmas day leftovers. But why do we celebrate? Read more

Who Was Jesus?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Whatever you may think about Jesus, you can’t deny his incredibly positive effect on both the history of the world, and on the lives of countless people. Read more

The Greatest Ever Promise of Jesus

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

There are so many wonderful promises in the Bible, but many people miss the greatest every promise of Jesus! I’ll come to the reason why they miss it in a moment. But the greatest promise is this one, from the lips of Jesus himself: Read more


Did Jesus Really Exist?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

I once read a book that argued that the earth was hollow and that it was populated inside by a super-race of aliens. It even had photos that proved it. It was interesting, but I didn’t believe it. Why? Because all the evidence says that the earth’s core is solid! Read more