New “Charlie’s Angels” Aims Low and Gives Feminism a Bad Name
By: Laura Bennett
‘Discombobulated’. It’s a fun word to say, and apparently, was the feeling in the writers’ room when Charlies Angels was being developed.
By: Laura Bennett
‘Discombobulated’. It’s a fun word to say, and apparently, was the feeling in the writers’ room when Charlies Angels was being developed.
By: Laura Bennett
Think back to the year 2000. We were freaking out about Y2K, the fashion of the new millennium, and Mel Gibson’s decision to wear stockings in What Women Want. Read more
By: Laura Bennett
Stories of sexual discrimination need to be heard, but after all the heat lately around the topic, you’d be forgiven for being weary of the conversation. Read more
By: Tania Harris
Growing up, ‘feminism’ was a dirty word. It was what those aggressive, angry, bra-burners with their pant suits and cropped hair did to mess up the social order. They were out to get us – the church – who knew how to do male-female relationships, who knew what it was to be a true woman. Read more