Tag Archive for: faith


Is God Answering My Prayers?

By: Laura Bennett

Fundamental to our relationship with God, is prayer: a shared conversation between He and us, where we tell Him our desires (read: vent) and He listens, responding with comfort, revelation, and sometimes it seems – silence.

Prayer is a connection to the divine, and a universal way to request help, or offer thanks to ‘the Big Guy’. Read more

pear shaped

Attack of the Pear

By: Laura Bennett

Pear /pɛː/ noun A green, spotty, funny-shaped fruit that doesn’t taste good unless combined with walnuts and balsamic vinegar.

Pear-shaped / adjective Lumpy, bottom-heavy, kinda weird, not ideal.

Sometimes life goes truly pear-shaped. Read more

dirt cup

The Gift and the Dirt Cup

By: Duncan Robinson

Imagine that you walk through life carrying two things in your hands. In one hand is a gift, perfectly wrapped and finished with a bow. The wrapping paper is ornate and intricate. The precision in which it has been wrapped makes it simply marvelous to look at. Read more


Growing Closer Through Family Devotions

By: Focus On The Family

When you think about “family devotions,” it may strike fear in you.

Here is some practical help and encouragement to gather at dinner time and dialogue with your kids about spiritual matters.  Read more


When the Calling Isn’t

By: Duncan Robinson

“a strong desire to spend your life doing a certain kind of work” Read more


Grace That is Greater

By: Focus On The Family

At a very low point in Sally Graham’s life, she felt trapped, and she felt the only way out was to kill her abusive husband.  Read more

sacred meals

In a Fast Food World, Are We Losing the Art of Sacred Meals?

By: Sheridan Voysey

When was the last time you had a truly special meal where you left the table changed, uplifted, fulfilled? You came burdened but left lighter (at least emotionally). Your soul was filled, not just your stomach. Read more


When God Allows Suffering

By: Focus On The Family

What do you do when God doesn’t provide healing?

Can you find happiness in the midst of physical or emotional trials? Joni Eareckson Tada, a quadriplegic for 50 years, says you can if your joy comes in Christ!
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5 Steps to Understanding Your Dreams

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

A first century rabbi once said; “A dream uninterpreted is a letter unopened.” Imagine if the Creator God had sent you a letter – a message that answered your question, gave you vision for the future or provided some insight into your current situation. But it’s sitting there in the letterbox, unopened and unread, while you’re still praying in frustration, wondering why God hasn’t spoken… Read more

Learning to Be Honest with God

Do you make a practice of being honest with God?  Read more