Dolly’s Dream
By: Yvette Cherry
The parents of Dolly Everett, a 14 year old girl who took her own life after being relentlessly bullied, have created a very powerful and evocative advertisement to address the issue of cyber bullying.
By: Yvette Cherry
The parents of Dolly Everett, a 14 year old girl who took her own life after being relentlessly bullied, have created a very powerful and evocative advertisement to address the issue of cyber bullying.
By: Clare Bruce
More than half of all Australia’s young people have experienced cyberbullying – that’s bullying using the web, smartphones or social media – and parents are being urged to become more aware. Read more
There is a toy revolution building. Kids toys are becoming smarter. It’s part of the “internet of things”, which basically means that every “thing” you can buy can be connected to the Internet. Read more