Tag Archive for: Akos Balogh

Are You Confused About Religious Freedom in Australia? These 3 Short Videos Will Help

By: Akos Balogh

Religious freedom is under pressure here in Australia. It used to be uncontroversial, but now it’s heavily contested. Many people see it as little more than a licence for bigotry and hate. Read more

Weary of Politics? A Few Thoughts to Help Christians Avoid Cynicism

By: Akos Balogh

Last Saturday Australians voted and a new Federal Government was elected. But many Aussies remain cynical, including many Christians. Read more

Are Your Led by Your Feelings or Faith? 5 Subconscious Lies That Can Deceive Christians

By: Akos Balogh

Over 200 years ago, a revolution was launched across the West. Or rather, revolutions. Western societies began to move away from Christianity. 

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How Christians Are Helping Ukrainian Refugees In Hungary

By: Akos Balogh

Over 4 million Ukrainian refugees have crossed into Europe since the war began, with 350,000 entering Hungary thus far. Read more

A Fatal Flaw at The Heart of Evolutionary Morality

By: Akos Balogh

Our secular culture often uses Evolution to explain why we’re moral creatures. It’s popularised by thinkers like evolutionary Psychologist Jonathan Haidt or author Steven Pinker.

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7 Reflections on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

By: Akos Balogh

When Russia invaded Ukraine, it was meant to fall in 48 hours, crushed under the treads of Russian tanks. But the nation is still standing as I write: Ukrainians are fighting back in ways few predicted. And Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is showing the world the meaning of courage.

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Why Christians Should Avoid Alarmism (And What To Do Instead)

By: Akos Balogh

It’s just after midnight.

I rub my sleepy eyes. I need something to help keep me awake, I think to myself. I’m on watch with a fellow soldier, looking out for enemy while our platoon sleeps. So, I grab some biscuits out of my army ration pack. It’s nothing special, but after days of patrolling in the tropics of far north Queensland on this army exercise, it helps keep me focused. Read more

How Not To Fight Cancel Culture

By: Akos Balogh

Peter Boghossian was a professor of philosophy at Portland State University, where he taught for ten years. Read more

4 Big Lies Christians Believe In Our Fracturing Age

By: Akos Balogh

Our world is fracturing.

It’s fracturing across many issues: from politics to race; from climate change to gender. And as it fractures, it becomes more and more tribal. People self-sort into groups that think the same way and often act the same way. And social media turbocharges this polarisation. Read more

What Happens If We Lose Religious Freedom? Here’s What Few People Realise

By: Akos Balogh

Religious freedom is under increasing pressure in Australia and much of the West. Read more