March is Member-Get-Member Month!
So what's it all about?
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If you’re a member of Rhema, why not encourage a friend to become a member as well. It will help Rhema to grow, and give both you and your friend a chance to win a great prize!
For every person you find who takes out a one-year membership, you, and the new member, will go into the draw to win a $100 gift voucher from Cornerstone Books Erina, and free Coffee-&-Cake for two at Cornerstone’s new Nourished Garden Café.
Every friend you get to join earns you another entry. Just make sure when your friends join that they let us know who you are!
Members can join by calling the office on 4325 1000, or thru the membership page here.
So come on members! Get out there and encourage your friends to join. You, or they, could soon be sipping great coffee while working out how to spend $100 at Cornerstone!