“Jesus Changed My Life” – Rapper and Producer Jack Shares his Story
By: yesHEis
Jack is a rapper, music producer and a passionate Jesus-man. He came to faith after leaving school and moving away from his hometown. After returning home, Jack found it challenging to reconnect with his previous circle of friends…
My friend that I used to work with was a Satanist, so he was like, “If you bring up Jesus or if you say ‘Jesus loves you’, I’ll take you as a threat and bash you.” I was like, “Whoa okay!”
Coming back home, being a born again believer was quite difficult. My past wasn’t the best. I just wanted to share that love with all my old friends that were still in the same scene, still doing the same things. I knew they thought it (Christianity) was another phase. I knew that I wasn’t going to just share Jesus and them be like, “I’m going to believe too.”
I found the way that I kept my faith strong was knowing that whatever I go through, whatever I say or whatever I do, God still loves me for who I am.
The bible says that Jesus is our foundation and God is the bedrock beneath my feet. So it’s knowing that and knowing how true that is.
“The way that I kept my faith strong was knowing that whatever I go through, whatever I say or whatever I do, God still loves me for who I am.”
What stops a lot of people from talking about Jesus is the doubt in their mind. They have a lack of confidence or they’re scared about what other people are going to think. Instead of thinking, “What are they going to say?” or “How are they going to judge me?” [Start thinking] “What if this is something that they need?” or “What if they’ve been asking God for a sign? And I’m the one that God’s given you the message to deliver to them?” Like, why would I want to withhold this information from people?
It’s such a beautiful, beautiful connection—it’s a relationship. It’s a love that you can’t get anywhere else but from God. So when I share my faith with non-believers and people in my everyday circle I just try to be the representation of Christ, ‘cause we’re all meant to be ambassadors of Christ, right? We’re meant to have this love and meant to give this love to everyone else. We need to be representations of Jesus and we need to be his ambassadors.
As an artist, I just love expressing my love for God through music and opening that avenue as a way to talk about the Gospel.
“When you find your talent, or you find that connection that you have with someone, using that as a way to share the gospel is such a beautiful thing.”
There’s always an opening to share the Gospel, it’s just are you willing, do you have enough confidence and do you have enough faith to share about the love that you’ve been given?
Be bold. My encouragement to people sharing their faith is just to be bold. You never know what someone’s going through or what someone’s gone through and you don’t even know if God is sending you a message to save their life. So, next time you ever want to share your faith, start thinking, “I could save this person’s life through Jesus.”
Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.
About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.
All images: Supplied.