Here are some interviews you can download and listen to.
26/06/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Mandy Shepherd about her experiences at Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry
22/06/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Ken Duncan, world renownedlandscape photographer.
Interviews from our Rise Up 2012 Appeal Weekend – 14-16 June 2012
15/06/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Richard Sharp from Youth For Christ (YFC).
16/06/2012: Rick Broome interviews Geoff Mascord from the Musicians Prayer Network
16/06/2012: Rick Broome interviews musicians Brett & Rhosy Giffen featuring live performances of 2 songs.
19/06/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Martin Taylor about his involvement with the Donnison St Restaurant
12/06/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Suzanne Stein and her daughters Renae & Maddie about the Wyong Christian School musicals, and Reanae & Maddie sing one of the songs.
08/06/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Michelle Sparks .
05/06/2012: Anna-Marta Clark chats with Rick Broome about Rhema Central Coast, the music, the Rise Up 2012 Appeal, and other stuff
Interviews from the 2012 One World Mission Expo – 2 June 2012
(Apologies for the crackle in these. Bit of a technical glitch with some new equipment.)
02/06/2012: Rick Broome interviews Kevin Keegan from Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC)
02/06/2012: Rick Broome interviews Tom from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)
02/06/2012: Rick Broome interviews Alex Shaw from Global Recordings Network (GRN)
02/06/2012: Rick Broome interviews Jamie Long from Wyong Baptist Church
31/05/2012: Denise Silberman chats with Skye Parry-Jones about her new childrens book "Fiz the Flying Fox".
29/05/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Pastor Evan Peet about Open Doors and Stand Up Sunday
25/05/2012: Hamish Salburg (Salsa) chats with Robert Burnham about the 2012 National Day of Thanksgiving.
22/05/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Steve Grace about his Heritage Acoustic Tour.
15/05/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Dan Secomb about Israel and or Jewish roots.
11/05/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Jenny Chigwidden about the ministry of Luke14.
08/05/2012: Anna-Marta Clark's Mothers' Day special interviews with Sue and Jenny about being a Mum.
01/05/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews David Fletcher about Catholic Education.
27/04/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Nerida Walker .
27/04/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Christian music legend, Don Francisco.
20/04/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Sheralyn Bucknell
30/03/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Jeff Crabtree about working with creative people.
23/03/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Jamie Malcolm .
20/03/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Renae Vitols about the Ministry of The Word library.
13/03/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Peter Madden about his campaign against changes to the definition of marriage.
09/03/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews the Central Coast's very own Masterchef, Julie Goodwin.
02/03/2012: Hamish Salburg interviews Andy Sorenson, local musician, songwriter and producer, with a live in-studio performance.
06/03/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Rosie Winters about her experience with being healed from Parkinsons' Disease
01/03/2012: Shane Edwards chats with Tri Than Nguyen about his recent mission trips to Japan.
28/02/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Norman Hunter from Avoca Beach Picture Theatre
21/02/2012: Anna-Marta Clark interviews 96 year old missionary & author May Newman about her amazing life journey
16/02/2012: Denise Silberman interviews Mary Sutton about Trauma and Trauma Counselling.
06/12/2011: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Jan a recovering gambling addict.
22/11/2011: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Pastor Michelle Duffy from Elim Christian Ministry.
27/09/2011: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Pastor Martin Duffy from Elim Christian Ministry.
13/09/2011: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Jenny Underhill from Cornerstone Books.
06/09/2011: Rick Broome's live cross from The Entrance High School's Exo Day.
06/09/2011: Anna-Marta Clark interviews Jenny Chigwidden about CBM's Luke 14 initiative.
Interviews from The Ethical Trade Expo – 3 September 2011
03/09/2011: Rick Broome interviews organiser Ross Young about the Expo.
03/09/2011: Rick Broome interviews Mark Hodgekiss about the ministry of Destiny Rescue.
03/09/2011: Rick Broome interviews Phil McCamley about the Mission Possible website and the One World Mission Expo.
01/09/2011: Cheryl Smith interviews Ben & David from Africa Inland Mission
30/08/2011: Anna-Marta Clarke interviews Pastor Tim Jones from Liberty Family Church
23/06/2011: Denise Silberman interviews Nichole Lloyd-Jones & Sue Crook about Coast Women's Convention
08/06/2011: Alicia Dobson interviews Silas & Nicola Tayebwas and Gavin Williams about their ministry in Uganda.
Interviews from our Rise Up 2011 Radiothon Weekend – 28-29 May 2011
28/05/2011: Rick Broome interviews musician Luke Robinson featuring live performances of 3 songs.
28/05/2011: Cheryl Smith interviews Gus Villablanca about the work of Focus On The Family Australia
28/05/2011: Alicia Dobson interviews local musician Christopher Stuart including 3 songs.
28/05/2011: Alicia Dobson interviews Jeff Nagle about the work of Compassion Australia.
28/05/2011: Phil Lawrence interviews (some of) local band Jonnday including 3 songs.
28/05/2011: Rick Broome's special feature on local musician Aaron Lee (Northie) including 2 songs.
29/05/2011: Rick Broome interviews local musician Brett Giffen featuring live performances of 2 songs.
29/05/2011: Alicia Dobson interviews musician Melissa Otto including live performances of 3 songs.
29/05/2011: Rick Broome's telephone interview with Jake Nauta (former lead singer of Playjerise) including 3 songs.
29/05/2011: John Napier interviews (some of) local band Understanding Eve including 3 songs.
29/05/2011: John Napier interviews local musicians Teop & Sonic Solo (John & Solomon Riley) including 2 songs and some live rhymes.
29/05/2011: Phil Lawrence's telephone interview with Dominic Brooke about the work of MMAD (Musicians Making A Difference) including 2 songs.
25/05/2011: Phil Rogers interviews author Nicole Watson about her book "Sam's Heart", written about her son.
20/04/2011: Shane Edwards chats with local musician Christopher Stuart with an acoustic performance of his new song, and almost keeps control of the studio! (Warning – contains considerable silliness!)
20/04/2011: Anthony Mudge interviews local singer/songwriter Rebecca Papadopolous (aka Charlie) with a live acoustic performance of 2 songs.
20/03/2011: An interview with Kari Jobe put together by John Napier
10/03/2011: Denise Silberman interviews Ann-Marie Kitchener about what it means to be a Christian standing in the upcoming NSW Election.
09/03/2011: Alicia Dobson interviews local musician Kathy Johnston.
02/03/2011: Alicia Dobson interviews local musician Andy Sorensen.
23/02/2011: Alicia Dobson interviews local musician Brett Giffen with a live acoustic performance of 2 songs.
22/01/2011: John Napier interviews Hope Unlimited Church's new Senior Pastors Mark & Darlene Zschech.