Extra Mile Partnership
To aid funding of our regular on-going expenses, we've introduced the "EXTRA MILE PARTNER" program.
Our Extra Mile Partners are a vital part of the ministry of Rhema FM. By making a commitment to a regular monthly donation, they allow us to budget for that income. We can then plan ahead with confidence that the many recurring expenses of keeping God's message of hope on the airwaves of the Central Coast will be met.
Although it is open to individuals and families, the Extra Mile Partner program is an especially good option for businesses, churches, and other organisations, as all donations made through the program are fully tax deductible. So that's a help for you when tax time rolls around!
The Extra Mile Partner commitment is $31 per month. That's just $1 per day! Surely it's worth that much to have Christian radio on the Central Coast!
So if you'd like to stand shoulder-to-shoulder in this way with Rhema FM Central Coast in the task of proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to the people of the Coast, just call the office and we'll help you get started.
Remember, all donations are fully tax deductible and you can remain a Partner for as long as you wish or are able. If you have any further questions or would like an application form, please telephone us on 4367 4042 and we'll be happy to discuss this further with you.
Yours in Jesus' Service,
Rick Broome
General Manager
Click here to join the Extra Mile Partnership or to make a Donation