Community Switch

Current Community Service Announcements

Community Service Announcements (CSA) are free to air notices that cover local events and are not for the purpose of promoting a product, goods, or a profit making venture.

Send in your CSA by emailing [email protected], or call [02] 4325 1000


CSA Eligibilty Policy

Announcements that DO NOT qualify as a CSA are:

The sale of property, vehicles, or products of any kind for the purpose of deriving income for business purposes.

Events where any kind of payments in cash or like kind may be made to Rhema FM by the promoter of any event as this constitutes sponsorship.

Tasteless or unacceptable events that would generally be unacceptable to this ministry or its membership or as deemed by the Management of Rhema FM.

Those involved in and wishing to promote activities relative to questionable non-Christian, activities that are not generally acceptable or recognised by the majority of mainstream churches in Australia as being morally, and spiritually ethical, or activities that are unacceptable to the beliefs of Christians and Christian families in Australia.

Swap and trade events involving the exchange of goods.

Events that are clearly meant to be serviced by paid Sponsorship advertising particularly where the event organiser will be levying an entry charge or fee for either profit or non profit purposes.

Please call the community switch on 4325 1000 if you have any enquiries.

Rhema FM reserves the right to amend, add to or alter its policies or provisions
pertaining to CSA's at any time and without notice or advice. Rhema FM also reserves the right to delete, cancel or void any CSA.


Note: This page is not being maintained at the moment due to lack of resources! We just don't have enough people to do all we'd like to do! Any volunteers?

Current CSAs
CSA # Event Organisation Details Contact
  The Mad Chatters  

Want to do something different? Join the Mad Chatters for friendly and thought provoking conversations on everything from Aristotle to Zoology.

Meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month between 10am and 12 noon.

On the 2nd Mondays, the meetings are at Warnie’s Café opposite Warnervale Railway Station.

On the 3rd Mondays, the meeting are at various other locations.

There is no cost and everyone is welcome.

4358 2522
4393 6237
9911 Ladies Craft Group TLCF

TLCF ladies craft group meet every Wednesday of the school term, from 91m to 12 noon, to socialise and have fun while learning some great crafts.

Come and learn knitting, crocheting, Tunisian knitting, patchwork & quilting, scrapbooking, and lots of other crafts.

Or maybe you’d like to teach a craft to the ladies?

You can even come along just for a chat and a cuppa.

The cost is just $2, and its held at 22 Adelaide St, Tumbi Umbi, in the old Mingara building.

4388 9145
Tues-Fri 9-3
9912 Gambling Conselling Wesley Counselling Services

Wesley Counselling Services is offering free gambling counselling to problem gamblers, their friends and family members affected by gambling.

This service is available on Fridays.

To arrange an appointment call Warnervale Family & Community Centre.

 4392 8734
9913 Healing Meetings Elim Ministry

Elim Christian Ministry holds their monthly Healing Meetings on the last Friday of every month at the Elim Christian Ministry Centre, 89 Donnison St Gosford, opposite Workcover, behind the Central Coast Leagues Club, starting at 7:30 pm.

If you are in need of healing – physical, financial, emotional or relational, then you’re welcome. 

Experience the wonderful working power of Jesus in your life.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Martin Duffy 4322 3318

9914 Allergy Support Group Warnervale Family & Community Centre

An Allergy Support Group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month, from 10am until 12 noon, at Warnervale Family & Community Centre, 51 Sparks Rd, Woongarah.

The aim of the group is to share practical strategies, recipes and information for people affected by allergies and intolerances.

Tricia Carlson 4392 8734
9915 Craft Group Coast Community Church

Coast Community Church run a ladies craft group on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, during school terms.

Come and make new friends, or simply get to know the ones you do have even better, and share a love of crafts.

Morning tea will be provided.

The group meets at Kincumber Uniting Church Hall, and the cost is $10 per term.

Ring Tracy Clarke to book your spot and to find out what you need to bring

Tracy Clarke
4368 2279
0401 161 998
9916 Mums & Prams Warnervale F&CC

Warnervale Family & Community Centre are inviting Mums with prams to join a new walking group.

Regular walking has proven health benefits, and gets you out of the house and meeting other people. It’s free and baby-friendly too.

Woongarah Mums & Prams Group meet on Thursdays of the school term starting at 9:30am, from the Centre at 51 Sparks Rd, Woongarah.

Walks take approximately 45 minutes, including a rest break.

4392 8734
9917 Parents Without Partners  

Attention Single Parents and mature aged singles.

There is no need to stay at home alone.

Why not enjoy the fellowship of other single parents and mature aged singles.

Your local Parents Without Partners has a lot on this month.

For the adults there are house parties, barbeques, social tennis, dining, and more.

Family activities every week-end for the children as well as excursions and special outings.

Over 1,000 affordable functions a year in the greater Sydney region organised by volunteer single parents.

Why not join, meet new people and make friends.

Check out their web site for more information and contact details at