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These businesses partner with Rhema Central Coast thru Sponsorship Advertising.
We are proud to recommend them to you.

N.B. This page is currently under redevlopment as we gather graphics from all our sponsors!

Central Coast Adventist School

Coastech Auto Electrical

Cornerstone Books

Little Coasties Kindergarten


Penrose Garden & Aquarium

Telstra Lakehaven

Toner Direct

Looking for other businesses – try our Business Directory


Community Service Announcements (CSAs) are free to air notices that cover local events and are not for the purpose of promoting a product, goods, or a profit making venture.

Please add your CSAs by registering for a free MyRhema web account here, then clicking on the 'Add CSA' button in the control panel or call [02] 4367 4042

CSA Eligibilty Policy

Announcements that DO NOT qualify as a CSA are:

  • The sale of property, vehicles, or products of any kind for the purpose of deriving income for business purposes.
  • Events where any kind of payments in cash or like kind may be made to Rhema FM by the promoter of any event as this constitutes sponsorship.
  • Tasteless or unacceptable events that would generally be unacceptable to this ministry or its membership or as deemed by the Management of Rhema FM.
  • Those involved in and wishing to promote activities relative to questionable non-Christian, activities that are not generally acceptable or recognised by the majority of mainstream churches in Australia as being morally, and spiritually ethical, or activities that are unacceptable to the beliefs of Christians and Christian families in Australia. 
  • Swap and trade events involving the exchange of goods.
  • Events that are clearly meant to be serviced by paid Sponsorship advertising particularly where the event organiser will be levying an entry charge or fee for either profit or non profit purposes.

Please call the community switch on 4367 4042 if you have any enquiries.

Rhema FM reserves the right to amend, add to or alter its policies or provisions pertaining to CSAs at any time and without notice or advice. Rhema FM also reserves the right to delete, cancel or void any CSA.

Meet the Board

Rick Broome

Rick Broome
Rick is the General Manager of Rhema Central Coast and was elected as a Director in 2002.

Rick owns and operates his own IT business and these credentials together with his long standing as a Director make him the right man for managing the Station.


Stuart Wolf

Stuart Wolf
Stuart is a local dentist and businessman. He plays a significant part in the local Chapter of Gideon's and has a real evangelistic heart for the unsaved.

Stuart has been a director since 2002, and is currently serving as Secretary.

Cheryl Smith

Cheryl Smith
Cheryl is a licensed Real Estate agent and a qualified Workplace Assessor & Trainer.

She brings a great depth of experience, and a knowledge of, and love for, the people of the Central Coast, to the Board.

Cheryl has been a director since May 2010.

John Hypatidis

John Hypatidis
John is a CPA and runs his own accounting and financial advisory business. He is highly respected in his field.

John's business and financial knowledge is an asset to Rhema FM. He has been a director since July 2008.

Dale Parnell

Dale Parnell
Born & bred on the Coast, and married with 2 children, Dale runs a child care centre and has been a Rhema supporter since inception.

His energy and constant new ideas help keep the board on their toes!

Dale became a director in June 2011.

Erik de Jong

Erik de Jong
Erik grew up on the Coast and has a real heart for the people of the area. He's a man of prayer, and his enthusiasm is a blessing to the board.

Erik holds a leadership position in his church and is involved in their music ministry. He become a director in September 2009.

Community Switch

Current Community Service Announcements

Community Service Announcements (CSA) are free to air notices that cover local events and are not for the purpose of promoting a product, goods, or a profit making venture.

Send in your CSA by emailing [email protected], or call [02] 4325 1000


CSA Eligibilty Policy

Announcements that DO NOT qualify as a CSA are:

The sale of property, vehicles, or products of any kind for the purpose of deriving income for business purposes.

Events where any kind of payments in cash or like kind may be made to Rhema FM by the promoter of any event as this constitutes sponsorship.

Tasteless or unacceptable events that would generally be unacceptable to this ministry or its membership or as deemed by the Management of Rhema FM.

Those involved in and wishing to promote activities relative to questionable non-Christian, activities that are not generally acceptable or recognised by the majority of mainstream churches in Australia as being morally, and spiritually ethical, or activities that are unacceptable to the beliefs of Christians and Christian families in Australia.

Swap and trade events involving the exchange of goods.

Events that are clearly meant to be serviced by paid Sponsorship advertising particularly where the event organiser will be levying an entry charge or fee for either profit or non profit purposes.

Please call the community switch on 4325 1000 if you have any enquiries.

Rhema FM reserves the right to amend, add to or alter its policies or provisions
pertaining to CSA's at any time and without notice or advice. Rhema FM also reserves the right to delete, cancel or void any CSA.


Note: This page is not being maintained at the moment due to lack of resources! We just don't have enough people to do all we'd like to do! Any volunteers?

Current CSAs
CSA # Event Organisation Details Contact
  The Mad Chatters  

Want to do something different? Join the Mad Chatters for friendly and thought provoking conversations on everything from Aristotle to Zoology.

Meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month between 10am and 12 noon.

On the 2nd Mondays, the meetings are at Warnie’s Café opposite Warnervale Railway Station.

On the 3rd Mondays, the meeting are at various other locations.

There is no cost and everyone is welcome.

4358 2522
4393 6237
9911 Ladies Craft Group TLCF

TLCF ladies craft group meet every Wednesday of the school term, from 91m to 12 noon, to socialise and have fun while learning some great crafts.

Come and learn knitting, crocheting, Tunisian knitting, patchwork & quilting, scrapbooking, and lots of other crafts.

Or maybe you’d like to teach a craft to the ladies?

You can even come along just for a chat and a cuppa.

The cost is just $2, and its held at 22 Adelaide St, Tumbi Umbi, in the old Mingara building.

4388 9145
Tues-Fri 9-3
9912 Gambling Conselling Wesley Counselling Services

Wesley Counselling Services is offering free gambling counselling to problem gamblers, their friends and family members affected by gambling.

This service is available on Fridays.

To arrange an appointment call Warnervale Family & Community Centre.

 4392 8734
9913 Healing Meetings Elim Ministry

Elim Christian Ministry holds their monthly Healing Meetings on the last Friday of every month at the Elim Christian Ministry Centre, 89 Donnison St Gosford, opposite Workcover, behind the Central Coast Leagues Club, starting at 7:30 pm.

If you are in need of healing – physical, financial, emotional or relational, then you’re welcome. 

Experience the wonderful working power of Jesus in your life.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Martin Duffy 4322 3318

9914 Allergy Support Group Warnervale Family & Community Centre

An Allergy Support Group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month, from 10am until 12 noon, at Warnervale Family & Community Centre, 51 Sparks Rd, Woongarah.

The aim of the group is to share practical strategies, recipes and information for people affected by allergies and intolerances.

Tricia Carlson 4392 8734
9915 Craft Group Coast Community Church

Coast Community Church run a ladies craft group on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, during school terms.

Come and make new friends, or simply get to know the ones you do have even better, and share a love of crafts.

Morning tea will be provided.

The group meets at Kincumber Uniting Church Hall, and the cost is $10 per term.

Ring Tracy Clarke to book your spot and to find out what you need to bring

Tracy Clarke
4368 2279
0401 161 998
9916 Mums & Prams Warnervale F&CC

Warnervale Family & Community Centre are inviting Mums with prams to join a new walking group.

Regular walking has proven health benefits, and gets you out of the house and meeting other people. It’s free and baby-friendly too.

Woongarah Mums & Prams Group meet on Thursdays of the school term starting at 9:30am, from the Centre at 51 Sparks Rd, Woongarah.

Walks take approximately 45 minutes, including a rest break.

4392 8734
9917 Parents Without Partners  

Attention Single Parents and mature aged singles.

There is no need to stay at home alone.

Why not enjoy the fellowship of other single parents and mature aged singles.

Your local Parents Without Partners has a lot on this month.

For the adults there are house parties, barbeques, social tennis, dining, and more.

Family activities every week-end for the children as well as excursions and special outings.

Over 1,000 affordable functions a year in the greater Sydney region organised by volunteer single parents.

Why not join, meet new people and make friends.

Check out their web site for more information and contact details at




The following churches support Rhema Central Coast, and we are proud to partner with them and support them in their ministry to the people of the Central Coast.

If you would like to have your church added to this list, please email your details to: [email protected]

Berkeley Vale Church Of Christ Meet: Cnr Clare Cres & Colleen St,
Berkeley Vale, 2261
Time: 9:30am, 6:30pm Sunday
Ph: [02] 4389 2184
Christian City Church Central Coast Meet: 28 Dell Rd, West Gosford, 2250
Time: 10:00am, 6:00pm Sunday
Ph: [02] 4325 1999
Email: [email protected]
Christian City Church Terrigal Wamberal Meet: Erina Centre, The Hive, Erina Fair
Time: 10:00am Sunday
Postal: 26 Robert Holl Dr, Ourimbah, 2258
Ph: [02] 4362 9796
C3 Tuggerah
(formerly Crossroads)
Meet: 127 Gavenlock Rd, Tuggerah, 2259
Time: 9:30 am, 6:00 pm Sunday
Ph: [02] 4351 2963
Email: [email protected]
Calvary Baptist Church Meet: Cnr Tumbi Rd & Wilwendan Cl,
Wamberal, 2260
Time: 10:00am, 6:00pm Sunday
Ph: [02] 4388 4230
Email: [email protected]
Central Life Christian Centre Meet: Wadalba Community School,
Van Steppen Rd, Wadalba
Time: 10:00am Sunday
Ph: 0414 605 212
Email: [email protected]
Coast Alive Christian Outreach Centre Meet: Beachcomber Resort, Toukley
Time: 9:30am Sunday
Postal: PO Box 98, Toukley, 2263
Ph: [02] 4393 3053
Mobile: 0412 334 591
Email: [email protected]
Coastlands Christian Community Church Meet: 37-39 Manuka Pde, Gorokan
Time: 9:30am,5:00pm
Email: [email protected]
Encounter Life Church Meet: 13 Apprentice Dr, Berkeley Vale, 2261
Time:10:00am, 6:00pm Sunday
Postal: PO Box 8070, Tumbi Umbi, 2261
Ph: [02] 4389 8151
Email: [email protected]
Erina Community Baptist Church Meet: 349 The Entrance Rd, Erina
Time: 9:30am, 6:30pm Sunday
Postal: PO Box 3126, Erina, 2250
Ph: [02] 4365 6575
Email: [email protected]
Good News Church Meet: 1st floor, 234 West St, Umina Beach
Time: 10:00am, 6:00pm Sunday
Postal: PO Box 3088, Umina Beach, 2257
Ph: [02] 4344 3000
Email: [email protected]
Grace City Church Meet: East Gosford Progress Hall
Henry Parry Drive, East Gosford
Times: 9:30am Sunday
Ph: 0488 168 381
Email: [email protected]
Grace Community Baptist Church Meet: Wamberal Public School,
Lea Ave, Wamberal
Time:9:55am, 5:30pm Sunday
Postal: PO Box 3070, Wamberal, 2260
Ph: [02] 4384 3789
Email: [email protected]
Heaven’s Song Church Brazillian-Portuguese/Spanish Speaking Church
Meet: Lisarow SDA Premises
Ourimbah St, Lisarow
Times: 10:30am 2nd & 4th Sundays each month
Email: [email protected]
Hope Church Central Coast Meet: 4 Sydney Ave, Umina, 2257
Time:10:00am Sunday
House Of Praise Meet: Morning: St Philips Christian College,
20 Narara Ck Rd
Evening: 14 Tathra St, West Gosford
Time: 10:00am, 6:00pm Sunday
Postal: PO Box 970, Gosford, 2250
Ph: [02] 4322 1480
Email: [email protected]
Liberty Family Church Meet: 129 Erina Street, Gosford, 2250 Ph: [02] 4322 3607
Lighthouse Church Meet: Duffys Lane, The Entrance, 2261
(Underneath The Oaks Waterfront Hotel)
Time: 10:00am Sunday
Ph: [02] 4389 2893
Fax: [02] 4389 2697
Mobile: 0410 636 473
Narara Valley Baptist Church Meet: 73 Deane St, Narara (SDA Church)
Time: 9:30am, 6:00pm Sunday
Postal: PO Box 9080, Wyoming, 2250
Ph: [02] 4328 5550
Email: [email protected]
River Christian Church Meet: Kariong Neighbourhood Centre
10 Langford Drive, Kariong, 2250
Time: 10:00am Sunday
Postal: Suite 6, 11-13 The Boulevard Centre,
The Boulevard, Woy Woy, 2256
Ph: 0405 444 274
Email: [email protected]
Salvation Army Gosford Meet: 120 The Entrance Rd, Erina, 2250
Time: 9:30am Sunday
Postal: PO Box 3121, Erina, 2250
Ph: [02] 4367 6200
Email: [email protected]
Terrigal Uniting Church Meet: 380 Terrigal Dr, Terrigal, 2260
Time: 6:00pm Saturday,
8:00am, 9:45am, 6:00pm Sunday,
11:00am Tuesday
Ph: [02] 4385 1248
Email: [email protected]
The Haven Seventh Day Adventist Meet: Central Coast Adventist School,
Penrose Cres, Erina
Time: 11:15am Saturday
Ph: [02] 4365 4452
The Lakes Evangelical Church Meet: Morning: Berkeley Vale High School
Evening: Lakes Cafe, Ourimbah University
Time: 8:30am, 10:30am, 5:00pm Sunday
Ph: [02] 4389 2006
Tuggerah Lakes Christian Fellowship Meet: 22 Adelaide St, Tumbi Umbi, 2261
Time: 10:00am, 6:30pm Sunday
Ph: [02] 4388 9145
Fax: [02] 4388 5872
Email: [email protected]
Wamberal Christian Reformed Church Meet: 14 Dashwood Cl, Wamberal, 2260
Time: 9:30am, 6:30pm Sunday
Wyoming Church Of Christ Meet: 299 Henry Parry Dr, Wyoming, 2250
Time: 9:30am Sunday
Postal: PO Box 1560, Gosford, 2250
Ph: [02] 4323 3327
Wyong Anglican Church Meet: 25 Byron St, Wyong, 2259
Time: 7:30am, 9:30am Sunday
Postal: PO Box 316, Wyong, 2259
Ph: [02] 4353 3699
Wyong Baptist Church Meet: 100 Alison Rd, Wyong, 2259
Time: 10:00am Sunday,
6:00pm (2nd Sunday of month)
Phone: [02] 4351 2069

Business Directory

Check out our Business & Services Directory of great Christian Businesses servicing the Central Coast. Click Here to go to the Business Directory


It has been established through media research that radio is more frequently used than any other medium. Therefore it's able to reach more people otherwise unavailable through any other medium & by nature is transportable as opposed to those other media formats.

Take a look at some of the Advantages:

Rates – Our rates are extremely competitive. We'll tailor a package to meet your needs and your budget.
5 Minute Limit – Rhema FM has community license restrictions of 5 minutes of advertising per hour, so listeners don't switch off when it comes to hearing about your business, product or event, and it wont get lost in a swamp of adverts. [Commercial stations play up to 22 minutes per hour]
Supportive Listeners – Our listeners like to support the businesses that support Rhema through sponsorship advertising.And its not just Christians listening. Surveys indicate that over 30% of our listeners are not Christian. They just like our programming.
Coverage – Through 2,000 watts of stereo FM broadcast power on 94.9 mHz, our broadcasts extend North to Morriset, then South of the Central Coast right down to the Northern beaches of Sydney – with members throughout these areas.



Contact our Sales Department today and ask how we can tailor a package to suit your business, event,product and budget!

Call [02] 4367 4042 or email [email protected]

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