Down syndrome music video

The Viral Video Making Kids with Down Syndrome Famous (and Their Mums!)

By: Clare Bruce

It brought celebrity TV host James Corden to tears, and made singer Christina Perri tweet that her ‘heart is full’. The viral video that has people damp-eyed around the world is a ‘carpool karaoke’ style lip sync video, created for World Down Syndrome Day (March 21). Read more


Metoo: A Hashtag Giving Women the Courage to Tell Their Story

By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House

The hashtag #metoo has become a social media phenomenon, giving thousands upon thousands of women the courage to reveal their experience of sexual harassment in the workplace. Read more

petrol cars

Why Your next Petrol Car Will Likely Be Your Last

By: Michael McQueen

Amidst all the recent talk about driverless cars, it’s easy to have missed the fact that less dramatic but equally disruptive changes are afoot in the transportation and mobility sector. Read more

las vegas

The Church in Las Vegas: Shining a Light in the Midst of Terror

By: Clare Bruce | Hope 1032

Just 10 minutes’ drive from the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, where the recent terrors took place, around 2000 people meet every week in the community of Summerlin to worship God. Read more

mental health

10 Tips for Looking After Your Mental Health

Mental health issues affect everyone.  Whether or not you yourself are experiencing mental illness there is always someone around you who is.

The World Mental Health Day website says that 1 in 5 Aussies are affected by it. As a community it’s important that we look out for each other, start conversations and support one another.  Read more

marriage debate

The Marriage Debate: Why History, Society and Religion Regard it as Heterosexual

Author: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House.

Heterosexual marriage has been a building block of society for thousands of years.

Ancient history tells us that while same sex relationships have been evident in many civilisations, including Greek and Roman cultures, there was never a question of calling such relationships marriage. Read more

Best Tips from Movie Dads

5 of The Best 'Movie Dads' Moments

Author: Movies Change People

Dads – got to love them! And with Father’s Day coming up, the team from Movies Change People are highlighting some of their favourite “movie dads”.

These dads have had us in stitches, made us cry, and taught us some valuable lessons about fatherhood.

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Dad Builds Baby Walker Out of Piping

A dad’s ingenious self-made baby walker is sending the internet in fits of laughter when he chose to improvise rather than buying the walker his wife asked him to get. Read more