You Could Have Been: The Children’s Book Written For Grieving Parents
By: Clare Bruce
When Ann-Maree Imrie lost her first baby mid-pregnancy, her whole world crumbled. Read more
By: Clare Bruce
When Ann-Maree Imrie lost her first baby mid-pregnancy, her whole world crumbled. Read more
How do you motivate kids? It may be one of the biggest struggles parents and teachers experience. We remind them to clean their room or do their schoolwork. They reply that it’s too hard. Read more
By: Amy Van Veen
Several times a week, our care and counselling department receives phone calls from parents whose child has just “come out” to them, either identifying as LGBT or revealing the fact that they are struggling with their attractions or sexuality. Read more
“Hi Dr Justin
My son won’t talk when he comes home from school. I ask him how his day was and he just says, “Fine.” I ask him what he did and he says “Nothing”. I ask him who he spent time with and he shrugs or mentions a friend or two. That’s it. Why won’t he talk? Is he being bullied? How can I get him to open up? He’s 9 years old.” Read more
By: Danny Huerta
Pornography is pervasive, but avoidable with the right skills. It can quickly become an addiction. There are seven things you can do to help your teen either not access pornography or begin turning away from needing to access pornography. Read more
I was born in the 1970s, and raised in a lower-to-middle-class suburb. Mum and Dad ran their own business and they both worked long hours. This meant that when I was a kid, I let myself into the house every afternoon after school, and I was free to play anywhere in the neighbourhood until my parents returned home from work. I spent the afternoons riding my bike down to the park or to the shops with my best mate Andy. Read more
By: Duncan Robinson
Teenager: so you’ve started the HSC. You’ve had months of preparation to get to this point. It might be one of the largest and most challenging events that has happened in your life so far. Read more
There’s a reason that experts make a big deal about telling parents to read to their children. Reading to kids (not using devices but using real books) is one of the best things we can do to help them develop positively. Read more
I have written in this column – for years – that excessive screen time, including watching television, is not good for anyone, but is especially detrimental to children. A study published recently about the effects of television watching on toddlers makes this clearer than ever. Read more
Mindfulness has become one of the buzzwords of the past decade. Mindfulness is receiving hype by in corporations, educational institutions, psychologist’s offices, fitness centres, and increasingly in our family homes. In fact, mindfulness in families is becoming almost essential. And for good reason. Read more