dua lipa

Dua Lipa – What the Most Streamed Woman in the UK Can Teach Us About Jesus

By: Sam Chan | Espresso Theology

Dua Lipa has just been named the most streamed woman of 2017 in the UK. She is only 22, but her song New Rules has had 765 million views (to date!). Read more


Being Scared but Doing It Anyway

By: Yvette Cherry

As the Worship Ministry Coordinator in my church, it is often my job to lead the church on Sunday when we sing together. I have been doing this for many years now- maybe 15 or so years, first at night and then in the morning services. Read more

Tim tam cheesecake

The Tim Tam Cheesecake – Proof That God Loves Us

By: Sam Chan | Espresso Theology

Over the holidays, my wife and I baked a Tim Tam Cheesecake, not once, not twice, but three times!

(Shout out to Kris who gave me the recipe – see below.) Read more

when god isn't speaking

What to Do When God Isn't Speaking

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

What do we do when God is silent? When we’re praying for answers and there’s no response from the heavens? Read more

What Australian Christians Can Learn From The Persecuted Church

By Tim Reid | Open Doors

Above: A congregation of determined believers in Nigeria holds a church service in the open air, in front of what was once their church, now destroyed.

“We [celebrate Easter] knowing that at any time a suicide bomber can come and disrupt our service, our worship, our praying. Then I think: Will it really be disrupted or will I be sent into the fullness of worship?” Read more

God's dream

God Has a Dream for the World and There’s a Place for You in It

By: Sheridan Voysey

If you and I were to talk awhile and I were to pry into your soul, it wouldn’t take long for me to discover you have dreams. You have goals and aspirations you want to fulfill. And if I were to pry a little further, we might trace each dream back to its inspiration—to the book, film, hero or experience that first gave you a glimpse of what to aim for. Read more

Circle Up

By: Duncan Robinson

There is a moment right at the end of Joshua when he calls the team together. He details the history of everything that has gone on until this point. He highlights the leading and work of God and then before Israel says, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15b) Read more

The One Question the Dalai Lama Couldn’t Answer. Can You?

By: Sheridan Voysey

A few years ago I went to hear the Dalai Lama speak at a public meeting. He lectured on the importance of having compassion, then took some questions from the audience. As the event was about to end, the MC said: “Your holiness, here is one final question—What is the meaning of life?” Read more

own the moment

‘Own The Moment’ with Justin Bieber’s Pastor, Carl Lentz

By: Laura Bennett

In the heart of Manhattan, for the last 7 years Carl Lentz and his wife Laura have been lead pastors of Hillsong Church NYC. Born out of the couple’s shared experience at Hillsong College in Sydney and a desire to church plant, the campus is now across multiple locations with over 6 services on any given Sunday. Read more


10 Reasons You Know You Grew up in a Pentecostal Church

By: Laura Bennett

If any of these sound accurate, you probably grew up in a Pentecostal Church. Read more