How to Deal With Hurt
I want to talk to you about pain; not the kind that you can deal with by taking a tablet. I’m not talking about physical pain. I want to talk to you about the pain of the heart. Read more
I want to talk to you about pain; not the kind that you can deal with by taking a tablet. I’m not talking about physical pain. I want to talk to you about the pain of the heart. Read more
By: Warren Nunn
Six decades after the first Billy Graham crusade drew enormous crowds, his son Franklin is coming back to Australia to mark the special anniversary. Read more
By: Jennie Scott
Do you ever wish life could be reduced and simplified, just like our teachers taught us to do with fractions? Take the numbers you see and reduce them until they can’t be reduced any more — 50/100 becomes 1/2, the large and complex becoming small and simple. Read more
By: Clare Bruce
Superstar singer and actor Michelle Williams, former member of Destiny’s Child, is not one to be shy about her faith in Jesus. Read more
I often feel like the armour I’m supposed to wear is too big for me. The responsibilities are too big, the challenges are too big, and what others expect of me is too big. Read more
By: Tania Harris
If we can all hear God’s voice for ourselves, do we still need to go to church? Read more
By: Laura Bennett
The older you get, the more you realise resilience, and a readiness for the unexpected, are invaluable traits in life. Read more
By: Morag Paton
The question of evil is possibly one of the most common barriers to people coming into a relationship with God. Read more
By: Duncan Robinson
There are three islands in the world, Average, Honour and Shame. On each of these islands there lives a number of people. Some people start on Honour Island, but most of us start on either Average or Shame Island. Average Island is where the majority of the population dwells. Our hope is one day to catch a one-way ticket to Honour Island. Whether that be through celebrity or prestige or wealth. Our hope is that we might end up on Honour Island. Read more
By: Neri Morris
The Sabbath. A day designated for rest and reflection.
There is much discussion surrounding this commanded day of rest, is it meant to be Sunday or Saturday? Is it only so that we can attend church? etc. Read more