The Importance of Saying “Yes”
Jesus knew that this was his final journey to Jerusalem, and that his time with his disciples was short. That’s why, as he walked, he tried to teach them what was most important. Read more
Jesus knew that this was his final journey to Jerusalem, and that his time with his disciples was short. That’s why, as he walked, he tried to teach them what was most important. Read more
By: Susan Browning
So I did this clean out of our garage and stumbled across a familiar storage box. Filled to the brim with books. Not ordinary books though, the kind overflowing the ink of heart ache spilt onto the pages. The kind where identity leaks out, is refined and then found. The kind where strengthening joy seeds are sown in the secret place. It was a box of all my journals right back to the very first one. Read more
It’s not easy to understand forgiveness, let alone accept it and give it to others ourselves. And if we struggle to grasp human forgiveness, how much more do we struggle to understand how God forgives, because God is not like us.
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By: Jennie Scott
I couldn’t find my way out. Eight years ago, after my marriage fell apart and my labels became “divorced” and “single mum,” my world lost its colour. All around me, I saw only black and white. Mostly black. Mostly darkness. Read more
By: Neri Morris
This year began like many others. A review of the year that was and a look to what kind of year I wanted it to be. Coming into this year I realised within myself there was a sense of discontent with church.
By: Neri Morris
“It’s like the sun is shining when the rain is pouring down….”
“Better Hands” by Natalie Grant
You know that feeling of not belonging? I get that feeling whenever I’m in a crowded room with people I don’t know. But you don’t need to ever feel like you don’t belong ever again!
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