Good News in A Pandemic of Failed Plans

By: Tania Harris

What plans have you had cancelled due to the coronavirus? My plans for the next four months have been completely wiped out. Read more

How Can God Be Real When the World Is so Messed Up?

By: City Bible Forum

At a young age Dan Paterson was faced with the brokenness of this world and it prompted a life journey exploring some of the biggest and most painful questions of life. Hear Dan’s story and inspiring reflections on one of the biggest challenges of the human experience. Read more

The History of Revival

By: yesHeis

What does it mean to make history? Nelson Mandela, Michael Jordan, Pelé, Mother Teresa, and Albert Einstein are all names which are instantly recognisable to many of us.
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The Supernatural Power of Prayer

By: Sabrina Peters

Prayer is powerful. It changes..well, everything! Our minds , our circumstances, our emotions, our health, our heart, our failures, our families, our future, our worlds! It’s also the way in which we talk to God, hear his voice and know his will for our lives. May these verses remind you of the mighty and supernatural power of prayer! 

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The Evidence of Christ’s Resurrection That Is Open To All

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Taste and see that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8, NKJV)

The establishment of Christianity is the most significant fact in the whole history of the world. And it happened so strangely! Read more

Who is This Man, Jesus?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

“Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!” (Mark 4:41, NLT).

Who is this man Jesus that we should believe on him? The Man of the Cross is the true Adam, the true Moses, the true prophet, priest, and king. Everything in the Old Testament was written for him. Read more

Scriptures to Cling to in This Season of Crisis

By: Sabrina Peters

There’s no denying things are seriously crazy right now. COVID-19 is wreaking havoc and leaving a trail of chaos, confusion and fear in its wake. I don’t have a lot of answers, but God’s Word has a lot of promises. Read more

Tyler Ellis’s Social Experiment Shows the Gospel Isn’t as Well Known as You’d Think

By: Laura Bennett

Isolation makes you think. Holed up at home with only family and FaceTime to fill the social void, we’re left with a lot more time to consider life’s essentials, and the things that matter most. Read more

How Can My Church Help the Community in Crisis? Practical and Financial Ideas

By: Rosie Kendall

Humans are fundamentally relational beings – so a pandemic, forcing us behind closed doors, has the potential to make us even more disconnected than ever. Read more

You Can Access The Bank of Heaven

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

The church was earnestly praying to God for him (Acts 12:5, NIV).

Suppose it had been announced that I was to tell the people of this city how they could go to any bank here and get all the money they needed any day in the year, and suppose, also, that I knew that secret and could really tell it, do you think that the people of this city would consider the information important? Read more