The Importance of Music
By: Nikki Poulton
Music is incredibly powerful. It has a way of moving the heart that nothing else does. Music can bring joy, sadness, contentment, new perspectives, anger, and everything in between. Read more
By: Nikki Poulton
Music is incredibly powerful. It has a way of moving the heart that nothing else does. Music can bring joy, sadness, contentment, new perspectives, anger, and everything in between. Read more
By: Laura Bennett
Mac Powell has been a mainstay of the Christian music industry for over three decades. First as the co-founder and front man of Christian rock band Third Day, then as a solo artist releasing two country albums, and now with his first Christian solo project, New Creation. Read more
I used to love the God of love, but the God of justice? … Not so much. Read more
There really are treasures of darkness! Light is good but darkness is bad, right? At least that’s the way we often think about it. Let me turn that on its head, with a little story. Read more
Have you tried the self-help gospel? Most people are interested in changing the way they think, and in improving themselves. It’s one of the hardest things to do! Luckily, it’s very easy these days to get information on personal development, whether online, or through other means. Read more
By: Laura Bennett
In the overwhelm of our current culture landscape, as debates around religion, race, gender, virtue and so much more demand our focus, it can be hard to hear just how God would like you to respond to everything. Read more
For many people, God doesn’t seem real at all. It’s sometimes also easy for some Christians to feel as if God might be there somewhere, but he’s too busy running the universe to really just stop and care about them. Read more
By: Sam Chan
The buzzword for this year is “languishing” Read more
By: Akos Balogh
Our world is fracturing.
It’s fracturing across many issues: from politics to race; from climate change to gender. And as it fractures, it becomes more and more tribal. People self-sort into groups that think the same way and often act the same way. And social media turbocharges this polarisation. Read more
By: Annie Hamilton
The tiny face of the boy in the rowing boat was screwed up in timidity and fear. Read more