The 1st Day of Christmas: Starting out with Love
By: Rachel Doherty | Tweens 2 Teen
The first day of Christmas in my festive series is all about love. Unwrap these ten tips for creating a more affectionate family. Read more
By: Rachel Doherty | Tweens 2 Teen
The first day of Christmas in my festive series is all about love. Unwrap these ten tips for creating a more affectionate family. Read more
By: Tania Harris | God Conversations
Have you noticed that God does a lot of talking at Christmas time? The first God-conversation with Mary was the one that started it all (Luke 1:26-33).
But then God spoke a second time – to Joseph (Matthew 1:18-21), then a third time to the wise men (Matthew 2:12) and a fourth (Matthew 2:19-21) and fifth time to Joseph (Matthew 2:22). He also spoke to Elizabeth, Anna and Simeon. God speaks repeatedly throughout the Christmas story. Read more
By: Kim Wilkinson
We are living in a world where tragic events fill our TV screens, relationships are breaking down, and patience is in short supply. What we could all use is a little kindness right about now. Read more
By: Kim Wilkinson
Christmas is a time of year to celebrate, and be grateful. It’s a time to think upon the year that has been, and the one that is yet to come.
More often than not, we end up filling our days in crowded car parks and shopping centres, working long hours on end of year projects, and overbooking our social calendars in an attempt to find some enjoyment amongst the chaos. Read more
By: Rachel Doherty | Tweens 2 Teen
Schoolies Week has become a rite of passage in Australia for kids leaving high school. But the stories of alcohol, drugs, fights and crazy stunts worries many parents. Getting the attitude of teenagers right before they go can help to keep them safe. Read more
By: Sheridan Voysey
When was the last time you had a truly special meal where you left the table changed, uplifted, fulfilled? You came burdened but left lighter (at least emotionally). Your soul was filled, not just your stomach. Read more