Compassion Week

By: Sharon Fitness

Each year ACCTV likes to dedicate one week to the remarkable efforts of Compassion and other like-minded organisations doing impressive work amongst the poor and marginalised throughout the world, particularly children.
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A Little Girl’s Tears of Joy – Over Pens, Pencils, Erasers and Socks

By: Clare Bruce

It’s amazing the difference a few simple little gifts can make in the life of someone who’s living in poverty.
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God uses Operation Christmas Child to Launch Mongolian Churches

By: Timothy Charles

Your shoebox gift can have an incredible impact on a community overseas.
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Adorable “MAF Kids” Star in Colin Buchanan’s Latest Song, for Dads

By: Clare Bruce

If you’re doing a creative project and you’ve enlisted Colin Buchanan’s help, you can assume it’ll involve plenty of adorable kids, and a fair dose of comedy, too.
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I See You… Miracles Day through the Eyes of Radio Listener Lyn Wake

By: Lyn Wake

Like many Australians, I have always loved travelling, and experiencing the unique sights, sounds and flavours that accompany exploring a new country. Read more

Queen Elizabeth ll – Longest serving English monarch

By: Graham McDonald

Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II had two ceremonies to mark the beginning of her public office? The first was her coronation as Queen but the second was her ‘coronation’ as God’s servant. In this second untelevised ceremony, the Queen stood dressed in a simple white dress, devoid of decoration. Read more

Five Simple Ways to Inject Gratitude into Your Daily Schedule

By: Michelle Mitchell

“I need some advice. My daughter is turning 16 next month. She’s a really good kid. She’s funny and smart and talented and she makes good choices. However, she is a complainer. Read more

Mother’s Day: The Most Important Thing a Father Can Do Is…

By: Robert Garrett

‘The most important thing a father can do for his children is…’ How would you finish this sentence? Perhaps you might say, ‘to give them a quality education’, ‘to set them up financially’, ‘to introduce them to as many extra-curricular activities as possible (sport/music/arts etc.) or maybe ‘to provide them with a good moral compass’. Read more

Banjo Paterson’s Role as an ANZAC: One of the Least Known Parts of His Life

By: Annie Hamilton

‘Banjo’ Paterson is immortalised on our ten dollar note. His role in the Anzac battalions is one of the least-known parts of his life. It has slipped to obscurity, perhaps because—mysteriously—he never wrote a poem about the great Walers he worked so hard to train. Or if he did, none have survived. Read more