August Antenna Appeal

The August Antenna Appeal – $30k in 30 Days!

So what's the appeal all about?

Well, there are two parts to it.

1. We need to set up a wireless “studio-transmitter-link” (STL) to carry the radio broadcast from our studio at 54 William St up  to the site of our transmitter in Acacia Rd, Somersby.

Currently this is done by a pair of Telstra analog landlines, but from mid-November Telstra have informed us that they will no longer be supporting this technology. We have to put an alternative in place. If we don't, then basically we will be off the air. Having fought so hard to get and keep this Christian community radio station on air, we're not about to just let it go that easily! I'm sure you feel the same way!

2. We’re upgrading our broadcast antenna, and moving it higher up the tower at Somersby. This should give us a stronger signal, and also mean that we can reach into some of those areas of the Coast where currently our signal doesn't reach, or is very weak.

We have already received all the approvals to carry out this work, and have been granted some funding toward it by the Community Broadcasting Foundation, but we still need to raise a bit more money to fully cover the cost of these two projects.

So we have therefore declared August our “Antenna Appeal” month.

The August Antenna Appeal target is $30,000.

This really isn't that much money. If 300 people all put in $100, then we'd be there! Or 600 people each donating $50. Or maybe 100 people each giving $300. Its all about each person doing what they can.

So can we ask that you pray how you can help keep your Christian radio station on air, and to get God’s message of hope out on the airwaves to even more people?

You can make your fully tax-deductible donation thru our secure website (click here to go to the Donations page), or by phoning or visiting our office.

Can we just remind you that this is our first appeal for financial support from our listeners since the Federal Court Case in early 2007? That's over two and a half years ago!

You rose to the challenge then and blessed us out of our socks! We're confident that you will again this time!

So in anticipation of your generous support, thanks!


August Antenna Appeal Progress

So far, you have donated $15,250, as at 23rd September.

Just $14,750 to go!